Alumni 校友
About Us

The Poi Ching School Alumni Association was formed on 16th June 1998 with the following objectives:
To foster closer relationship and interaction among former pupils and staff of Poi Ching School through social and recreational activities.
To promote a true spirit of loyalty and love for the alma mater so as to support the school’s academic and extra. – curricular activities
To develop and promote fellowship amongst former pupils of the school.
In early 1998, the head of Poi Ching School English Department, Ms Tan Lee Cheng who is also a former student of the school, met up with a group of former students to form a pro-temp committee.
The Poi Ching School Alumni Association was formed on 16th June 1998.
Chronological Order of Events
1999: Fundraising Dinner Cum Concert
– Raised and donated $25000 to School Building Fund for the building of
the New Tampines Campus
2000: Food & Game Carnival in conjunction of
the opening of the new Tampines campus
– Raised and donated $10000 for the needy pupils of PCS
– Chinese New Year Gathering
2001: Cruise to Nowhere – Alumni Gathering on Board a Chinese Junk
2001: Christmas Cum New Year Celebration @ Kheng Chiu Tin Kee Home
2002: Mooncake Festival @ Poi Ching Tampines
2003: Official Closure of Poi Ching Toa Payoh
2004: Mooncake Festival @ Poi Ching Tampines
2005: Double Anniversary Celebration of
– Poi Ching School 85th Anniversary
– Futsing Association 90th Anniversary
2006: Rekindle Passion @ Tampines

Past & present Chairperson
1998 – 2008 : Tan Lee Cheng
1998 – 2000 : Tan Lee Cheng
2001 – 2002 : Winston Chow
2003 – 2004 : Richard Yeo
2005 – 2006 : Guee Su Ink
2007 – 2009 : Tan Lee Cheng
2009 : Joyce Tham
2010 to current: Yong Ming Fung
EXCO (2024)
President: Ong Luyi Kendra
Secretary: Chun Jhian Wai Lucus
Treasurer: Lee Zijun
Ordinary Members:
Charlene Tan Shin Jee
Kho Xiao Fen Chanel
Lester Chan Kheng Tian
Ng Wei Jie
Jean Tee Lin Ju
Goh June Ping Jerlyn
Catherine Teo Soo Ling
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